Friday, December 5, 2008

If ATMs R So Smart ...

Since u can only 'es7ab 'in multiples of 10 mn il atm, why the bloody hell is there a decimal point ?? 
ya3ni seriously even if it WERE possible, fe a7ad byes7ab X amount o NUS ya3ni ??

walla rayi7 il bank as7ab ... 1500.5, wela 1500.450 ... 1500.675  !!! wtf ?!

((6ab3an 7sabi ma fe ela 10 dananeer :D bs i inserted a ridiculously large amount 2 clearly emphasize my point ... 
... kinda killed the 'joke' there didnt i ..))

anywaaaaay .. as if life isnt hard enough, bs ykhaloona nra3is ZERO so many times ! 

that sounds so depressing ... :p