Friday, May 30, 2008

How The World Views Kuwait

Haa Haa i was intending to write a whiny post about how much i miss Kuwait. 

((A LOT - more than enough 2 want 2 burden every1 else with my longing ya3ni =P))

However, wana adawir a pic 2 steal 4 this post (the 1s i have have really crappy resolution =P) i came upon this website for tourists considering paying a visit  2 our beloved country. 

after reading it for a while i changed my mind (about the whining)

check it out HERE, walla it made me laugh, pretty accurate tho dont u say ? ;P (especially the part about the driving =P)

w i still miss my lovely Kuwait like hell.

Monday, May 26, 2008


efff My sleep pattern is SO out of whack ! 

w b4 i begin, why is Superman winning ??? Abe Spiderman ((7adi biased researcher =D - w im on about my poll, so get ur ass down here w start voting (4 spiderman ! =P) gabl la ykhalis il poll time - w yalla i have like 6000 OTHER poll ideas per min everyday =P))

Now - Why is it when ur really tired, and u completely shut down (brain), awal ma ur head hits the pillow ur body decides that, hmmm u know what i dont feel like sleeping rite now.


The consequences: After tossing and turning for god knows how long. (im pretty sure more than 2 hours)

The neural circuitry in ur brain just sort of fizzles

Enter - Subacute erratic patterns of behavior

ie,, u decide that any + every source of light entering the room is just WRONG 

The stupid a/c green neg6a light thing just HAS 2 go

((with post-its ??? =S I dont know, it seemed 2 to the job =P))

Finally, i drift off into my own private wonderland =)

ONLY 2 wake up every 2 bloody hours =S

Im so tired now its not funny =( 

I was actually intending to  post something interesting about the fragile nature of human behavior. Bs that'l have 2 wait til my mind starts functioning up 2 human being standards i suppose.
Now, more caffeine, less blogging.



Saturday, May 24, 2008

I Have SuperPower Abilities =D

All my life's hopes and dreams r .. lipliner ?? 

Whaat the hell ???

(This is only partly a girly post)

Ok lets backtrack back 2 this morning (or thuhur whatever u want 2 call it).

I opened my eyes 2 see 2 magazines and headphones strewn across the other side of the bed.
And there was a free gift enclosed with the magazine =D kool ! it was a very FAQI3 Berry Shade of Lipliner from MarieClaire, i didnt know free gifts were distributed bl Middle East (i always thought they got 'customed' at customs - translate 2 3arabi).  I dont use lipliner but well its always uplifting 2 get a free gift =D 

((w since when r gifts not free, what the hell am i on about ?))

Back 2 real life.

I opened my eyes again 2 see a few papers and a huge Biochem. book strewn across the other side of the bed. Dammit i was dreaming !

5 hours later .. im having a late lunch in the living room w my mom is reading a magazine(Not MarieClaire), when she throws a small Mikyaji brochure over at me. Haach 7agich.

Whats this ? It looked like a card. I may as well have a look, 7adi madri 3an the outside world w my wardrobe is sooo last century =D 

I open it and .... lipliner !!! (Not Faqi3 Berry Red but it was Berry-shaded !)

That was soo weird ! I almost always dream about really irrelevant things like blowfish and floating couches (dont ask). Whatre the chances ?

So, tonight before i sleep im going 2 visualize something more useful 2 humanity.

((Squint eyes shut and focus reallly hard))
White Audi R8, white Audi R8, white Audi R8.

Ok humanity has nothing 2 do with it. 

Thursday, May 22, 2008

I Didnt Know I Was Sexist 2 !

I dont know what the hell it is with 2008, i keep getting these self discovery type epiphanies, some i like, some i dont.  I never realized that i love MUSICALS =D yaay Sweeney Todd w Enchanted (i wanted 2 kill the girl awal shay she was just annoyingly HAPPY/ PERKY ! bs it kinda grows on u.... this is totally beside the point). 

il mohim, i also discovered that i am sexist.  Which is quite ironic because i always FIGHT with blood + tears for EQUALITY of the sexes.  No not feminism, i dont think women r better than men (and definately not vice versa =P), i think its a matter of '3ala 7asab il shakhsiya'.  However, i have come 2 the realisation that there things which i just DONT accept from a man, simply because, hes a man ((and he should ACT like one)).

For example, men r not allowed 2 cry.  Efff, if i see a grown up man cry i seriously want 2 SLAP him. Stop being such a baby ! if its really that bad, at least dont do in front of ppl !
w im not a horrible person, some ppl r just di3laz

Which brings me 2 my next point, ur not allowed 2 be daloo3. Be a man goddamit.
I understand men also need to talk about their problems, and i support that, but endless moaning + whining that drags on for days is something barely tolerable from a girl let alone a guy !

And what the hell is it with guys these days that are obsessed with their looks.  I cant believe some ppl TELL ME ee i buy my (cosmetic) from here and here and here. Me: girl products are now guy products 2 =S

And OVERemotional guys r just gay.

Oh, and this is sexist because, i think this behavior is perfectly acceptable from girls =D

Disclaimer: and dont misinterpret the post as a request 2 start acting like jerks.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Sonic/ Cynic The Hedgehog

Remember Sonic the Hedgehog ? =D 

Ofcourse u do, those were the good times ;)

And remember his lil sidekck Miles ?? aaah his sidekick, i never really stopped and actually contemplated that until ...

Meet Cynic the Hedgehog =D

Sunday, May 18, 2008

2 All Pretentious Kuwaitis (+ P Diddy)

Well i cant think of any1 else who would spend more than 40 bucks on a bottle of water !

This is for all those ppl out there who actually ASK

"what kind of water do u drink ? i just drink evian"
(and no i dont understand the process of the thought behind the question either)

Well guess what ! Evian or whatever designer water u drink isnt HOT anymore !
See 4 urself Here

I bet etha fta7aw bl q8 ybalyenoun =P

To the rest of the world be grateful for ur 100 fils bottles of water, almost 6,000 ppl die each day bcuz of lack of access 2 clean drinking water.

Which reminds me about this really cool (+ smart !) device, Lifestraw
which is basically a portable water purifier.

(The post was sposed 2 end here, i couldnt resist the geeky addition sorry =P)

See u can stick it in any unsanitary + diseased puddle of water + drink 2 ur hearts desire, disease-free and clean =D

And here's how it works ! Its so simple its ridiculous how no1 thought of it before !

Yaaaay 2 the creative genuis behind Lifestraw !

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

10 ways 2 Fight The Boredom of College Years

In no specific order:

- Steal a traffic cone. ive always had this irresistable urge 2 steal one. Plan ahead on what u intend 2 do with it. No amount of duct tape will stick it 2 the top of car. If u place it in ur parking spot, expect it 2 be gone by next morning. (u might also want to bring along plastic sheets, apparently traffic cones r very DIRTY !)

- Sitting on the hood of a moving car while singing (substitute screaming) along with tamir 7osni's 'kol mara' is not a good idea. Even if u think u r in a secluded area ur colleague from uni will 'y6ee7 3alaikum'. Also; warn the designated driver not to brake suddenly while ur adjusting ur position on top of the car, u could spontaneously find urself in the middle of the street.

- While bored of all the routine places 2 go in Kuwait: do something different ! Visit the Psychiatric Hospital. Be sure u have a big strong man 2 hide behind if u get creeped out by deserted buildings with dead animals in the entrance area (ur skinny girl friend is not the best person 2 run in fear 2). Do not visit at night and think up a better excuse than 'were doing a project' if u want 2 see the junkies.

- Pretend to be a lesbian (this doesnt work quite as well if ur male). The proper way 2 do this is 2 duck slightly out of sight of passing strangers and reemerge a few seconds later with smeared lipstick and messy hair. Try not to giggle in a childish manner as u see the horror on said strangers faces... especially if said strangers r a conservative saudi family visiting q8. (On a lighter note, now they have an exciting story on the sights + sounds of Kuwait)

- Rent a mini cooper 4 the day. Take it even if its a convertible and the jaw is so r6ooba when u put the top up u cant see anything in the rearview mirror. To avoid the weather try not to be in Bahrain while doing it.

- Pretend 2 be a 3gaidi guy. Don a cap, chmaq, mesba7 + birkenstoks (make sure ur toenails r not painted bright red, ur aiming for 3gaidi guy not gay guy). Cruise around in a tinted car with loud samrat music, to be more authentic beep ur horn and whistle at any female forms that u encounter.

- If u find a salon that will do it, get ur whole head of hair braided Jamaican Style. If the women that works in the salon is Ethiopian and u cant understand directions to said salon stay at home and get more bored.

- Street-luge. Grab a long plank of wood, tie some roller skates on it, and launch urself down the nearest road. Try to slipstream behind the traffic. Dont worry about hitting anything - the drivers cant see u, and if they cant see u they cant crash into u. Probably.

- Dispose of batteries by putting them in fire. Go on. The majority of the worlds population won't ever get to see a battery, let alone watch 1 explode. Thats a good enough reason 2 do so. If u get bored graduate 2 fire extinguishers.

- Try 'zorbing' : which involves encasing urself in a giant inflatable plastic ball and rolling ur body down a hill at 50 mph. Its perfectly safe ! unless u hit something sharp ... or roll out 2 sea .. or suffocate ... or catch fire .. or dissolve in a lake of solvents.

Disclaimer: The last 3 i knicked off a book so i am not responsible for any of the legal or health hazards that might ensue. Otherwise enjoy.

Monday, May 5, 2008

The Superhero-est Superhero

In the wake of the 21st century countless superheroes have been created. Bs in the context of the past few yrs the most popular r probably, Superman, Batman, Spiderman, X-men, Fantastic 4 ... etc w ma sheft iron man yet bs the trailer looks good (except eli 3ala mbc2 walla 3abali il movie mn `92 or sth =P)

il mohim, ba3ad hal debaja al jameela =P

Whos ur Superhero ??

My personal fave is THE AMAZING SPIDERMAN =) the one in the old cartoons, whoever cast Tobey Mcguire 7ag the lead role bl movies was very very ill at the time, im sure, theres no other explanation.

il mohim i wouldve opted 4 Superman bs hez ANNOYINGLY Mr Goody 2 Shoes !

w Batman is just pathetic, ma 3inda superpowers ! if i had his money id make me a batmobile w really kool gadgets + fight crime 2 ! ..... or chill on the Caribbean with a pina colada and my personal slave hmmmm ...

Anyway, take the poll tell me

Thursday, May 1, 2008

More Useless Information - Dirty Royalty

King Louis XIV , Louis The Great, Le Grand Roi, Le Roi Soliel

took 2 baths, no not per day, per lifetime

(horrified look =S) Hatha wehwa il KING !

No wonder he died of gangrene (can i say gal3a ? =P)

On a more personal level, my highschool english teacher proudly announced 2 us once that he never uses shampoo =S (thank god hes almost mgari3) and his grandmother only took 3 baths in her life =S

+ yes im wondering if they're all related 2 =P

Ashwa ena il nathafa mn il eman, chan kelina mga6neen al7een maybe =P

Every Womans Do3a`

Should go something like this :

Dear Lord, I pray for wisdom to understand my man; Love to forgive him; And patience for his moods; Because Lord, if I pray for strength I'll beat him to death. Amen.

Unless ur single, then just pray for shitloads of cash baby ;P

aBeeeeeeeee Waaaaaaaa7iD !!!!! REAL BDAY WISHLIST =D

OMG 7adaa 3ajeeb !!!! its like THE PERFECT GIFT ! w 7adi fasla 3ala salfat il electronic paper !! thats just SUPERCOOL !! =D
Yes i do acknowledge the nerdiness of the post but watch the ad. seriously i love it (yes i also acknowledge what an easy marketing target i am =P) But come on ! all my books in one place =) What more can a girl want ? =P

However on a very depressing other level; Whyyy oh WHY ???? il wireless service bs dakhil il US =( efff when will q8 (+ ba7rain =P) yosalehum ekhtira3 il technology ?

Oh and it so kicks Sony's ebook's ass =P !