efff My sleep pattern is SO out of whack !
w b4 i begin, why is Superman winning ??? Abe Spiderman ((7adi biased researcher =D - w im on about my poll, so get ur ass down here w start voting (4 spiderman ! =P) gabl la ykhalis il poll time - w yalla i have like 6000 OTHER poll ideas per min everyday =P))
Now - Why is it when ur really tired, and u completely shut down (brain), awal ma ur head hits the pillow ur body decides that, hmmm u know what i dont feel like sleeping rite now.
The consequences: After tossing and turning for god knows how long. (im pretty sure more than 2 hours)
The neural circuitry in ur brain just sort of fizzles
Enter - Subacute erratic patterns of behavior
ie,, u decide that any + every source of light entering the room is just WRONG
The stupid a/c green neg6a light thing just HAS 2 go
((with post-its ??? =S I dont know, it seemed 2 to the job =P))
Finally, i drift off into my own private wonderland =)
ONLY 2 wake up every 2 bloody hours =S
Im so tired now its not funny =(
I was actually intending to post something interesting about the fragile nature of human behavior. Bs that'l have 2 wait til my mind starts functioning up 2 human being standards i suppose.
Now, more caffeine, less blogging.
I hate that. I usually think I am too tired to sleep but your way of putting it sounds better.
Now, what's with the superhero fixation?
Answer to my post: I went to an unmentionable public setting and I saw that rules and laws are broken if you have wa96a and if you don't you're free to protest as much as you wish but the result in nil so, feel free to feel silly. That sucks.
did you not read about my sleeping patterns in the patho exam?? 3ady, 3ady, ur probably just stressed out (talk about pointing out the obvious hehe)
anywways, i found that it does some good if you talk to someone funny, or do something funny, or watch something funny before you sleep...then you keep thinking about how funny it is, and forget about ur stupid body eli ma ya3jeba el3ajab....try it, it seems to have worked for me =)
Ruby Redux: offf i hate how some ppl in q8 decide theyre all of a sudden better than every1 else w can get away with whatever they want.
Bs on the other hand, u cant get anything done in q8 without a bloody was6a !
I think if ur doing it as a favor 2 some1 ymoun, then its an act of kindness w 3adi mo was6a.
Bs i hate ass-kissing 3ashan some1 is in a so-called 'position' =@
Where the hell duz it say that ena ppl in positions of power r better ya3ni ???
Dandoon: il mishkela il stress kela 3al fathi, sarli sboo3 im pretend-studying ! ((im hoping if i keep doing it long enough itl eventually evolve into the real thing))
The irony of it all is that even pretend studying is stressful !! =P
I was actually intending to post something interesting about the fragile nature of human behavior... <--- isn't sleep technically considered a human behavior? and isn't what you wrote kinda interesting? twat ur so out of it sometimes that i think you're too all over the place to blog ... i mean i'm guilty of that too but i have the common sense to start 2 different posts .. :p (ee ee constructive criticism)...
and about ur poll, fuck superman and spiderman ... the dark knight forever! although if i knew anything about this watchmen comic, i'd probably be inclined to vote that way...
dandooon, ur so right... newsradio always does the trick for me (the show, not actual news radio) ... BILL MCNEAL IS A GOD...
speaking of which, twit, did u check out the office yet?
Twinni (Bodie): nooo i didnt check out the office cham mara agool im pretend studying ?? =P
w that wasnt the particular behavior i had in mind was gonna post bout sth else =P
Coming Soon =D
try taking some gensing in the morning. I had the same problem last summer and was fine within a week or so.
ktdp: if by morning u mean thuhur then sure =P
Thanx ;P
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