Go ahead, I dare ya.
w spray LIBERALLY, a few drops dont count.
Tabasco Habanero: 7000 - 8000 SHU*
Habanero Chilis: 100,000 - 300,000 SHU
The hottest filfil bl 3alam [Naga Jolokio]: 855,000 - 1040,000 SHU
Useless information: It's beyond me y ppl would buy the last one, however, capsaicin (this is what makes the filfil so deadly filfily - ironically, its colorless + odorless !) basically makes ur sensory neurons (nerve endings) think theyre on fire (rejoice ppl theres no real tissue damage). So in response the brain releases endogenous endorphins (ur body's natural heroin). Which i suppose makes u happy (either that or ur just happy u stopped burning).
I think chocolates work equally as well.
More useless Information: Pure capsaicin rates 15 - 16 million on the Scoville Heat Scale. Thats so hot that pharmacists experimenting with it must work in a filtered tox room wearing fully protective body-suits with a closed hood to prevent inhalation. So life on the edge.
Note to self: Footnotes r for textbooks ((Dont exams EVER end ??!))
Thanks for the information! I love it.
Ever wonder why people get on rollercoasters?
looooool, lovely post! :D
i love it! =D
and i dont understand why people do this to themselves either!! =D but not i guess i know why...its all about the endorphins :D
(ps: eat more filfil =D)
Ruby Redux: lool eee its THE ADRENILINE RUSH ;P Alternatively, u can just drive around in q8 =P
Peony: Thanx lovely comment ;P
Dandoon: Its ALWAYS about the endorphins, ironically im not a big filfil or chocolate eater =P
Im trying 2 master the skill of summoning up my endogenous endorphins by pure will power ((i can dream cant i ? =P))
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I have removed this idea :)
Easy to understand,I like it!
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